Thursday, September 25, 2014

Current Even Post 2: Potential for drones to change America

We've all seen Star Wars, and we've all thought how cool it is to have anti-gravity levitation devices floating around. Now it appears that America has taken the first step towards something similar: According to this article, it is now legal to use drones on certain movie sets. This is a great example of a technology that could shape American culture as we know it. If allowed to press far enough, drones could do anything from our shopping to scooping dog poop. But now the question is, how much of a role do we want to let technology take in our lives? How will it affect human beings if we allow drones to take a huge roll? Fortunately, the technology is not yet cheap enough to be widely used, but it is something that is gaining popularity. We should begin to consider the potential affects of drones as we develop drone technology more.


  1. It's interesting to compare Star Wars to drones. We have a ways to go before reaching technology from the world of Star Wars.

  2. That's what a pioneer in 1800s would say about refrigerators as well. It seems impossible but it might be much closer to reality than we expect.
