Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The great vice of technology

I have been thinking a lot recently about time. Time is one of our most precious resources. Since time is so precious, I feel like the way we choose to spend our time is an indication of what we consider to be most important. This is the great vice of technology: it seems to obliterate our time more than any other thing in the history of mankind. How many times have we seen someone say, "I can do that in thirty seconds with my [insert electronic device here]" and then watch as it turns into ten minutes? To me, this is very disturbing. My dream of life isn't to spend it engrossed in technology; rather, it is to spend the greatest amount of time possible with my family. Because of the importance of the family, I think that it is critical for me (and others in my situation) to develop adequate habits for technology use. These habits can provide a safety bumper which can keep us focused on what matters most even though we are faced with technology related problems and distractions every day.


  1. I like your focus on the family. Technology is supposed to make it easier to build relationships with family and friends, but when used incorrectly it can destroy those most cherished bonds. How we use, and how often we use technology is very important.

  2. I love this. I am very like-minded. I have lately been thinking very much about the dual nature of technology. It can be used for SO much good. But at the same time, it can be used for SO much bad as well. I think it does come down to balance.
