Saturday, November 22, 2014

Should police forces be involved in internet?

I recently read an article depicting a sad scene: a junior high girl from Heber City, Utah, used Instagram posts to tell other students that they should commit suicide. While I do agree that this is horrible, I must admit that I was a little surprised to read that the police responded to the incident. The role of police in our society is that of protecting the peace and constitutional rights of the districts over which they preside; it is not to step into the middle of internet bullying fights between teenagers in middle school. I personally believe that getting the police involved is like using a bulldozer to move a molehill - it's overkill. So this begs the question: if not the police, then who is responsible for "policing" such events as these? Should there be some kind of an agency established whose purpose is to ensure that the internet a safe and happy place for all those who use it?

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