Saturday, December 6, 2014

Excellence as a part of ethics

The word "ethical" means "morally good or correct" according to Google. Most of the time it seems that this word is only used in reference to the protection of the rights of others; i.e., discrimination by race in employee hiring is a typical "ethical" issue. While this is certainly a question of good ethics, I am of the opinion that one of the most forgotten ethical issues is that of self improvement. Companies pay us good money to create the software products that bring them life. Users count on us to build software that works how they expect it to. Isn't it morally right for us to do our part in bettering our programming skills and abilities so as to better serve our companies and our customers? If it is, then why don't we consider it unethical to not make the time and effort to improve our programming skills? I believe that we, as individuals, can begin to change this by beginning to improve our programming skills on a regular basis.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Position VLog on the Ferguson case: how social media could put the power of our justice system at risk

Ever since the Ferguson protests have started, I have been intrigued by the role that social media has played in escalating the situation. It appears that everyone and their dog who sees an opinionated statement on a social media site about the Ferguson situation automatically believes themselves to be experts. I don't claim to be an expert or to know anything about what really did or didn't happen, but I do feel that people need to be aware of the powerful influence that social media can have on political situations. This video was created to express some of my thoughts and feelings on the subject. I only had 1 minute to do it in, so if the logic that I follow is unclear, please comment below with questions and I will get back to you.